



There are few examples where the day-to-day running of a business does not require the involvement of financial experts. From statistics, analytics and planning to risk and cost control, finance is critical to the smooth running of a business. The expertise, discipline and dynamic response of the finance team to unexpected circumstances is what makes any organisation feel confident.

LTG Group's finances are overseen by specialists in accounting, bookkeeping, financial and business control, investment management, treasury, tax, and data analytics, so the scope of activity is truly wide. Regular involvement in the Group's processes gives you the opportunity not only to develop in your own field, but also to work alongside people from other domains or teams and to broaden your experience.

The scale of the LTG Group and the need for a wide range of financial expertise allows us to form one of the largest and strongest teams of its kind in Lithuania. We believe that the importance of finance professionals to business and organisations is only growing, so we strive to attract the best finance professionals.

There are few examples where the day-to-day running of a business does not require the involvement of financial experts. From statistics, analytics and planning to risk and cost control, finance is critical to the smooth running of a business. The expertise, discipline and dynamic response of the finance team to unexpected circumstances is what makes any organisation feel confident.

LTG Group's finances are overseen by specialists in accounting, bookkeeping, financial and business control, investment management, treasury, tax, and data analytics, so the scope of activity is truly wide. Regular involvement in the Group's processes gives you the opportunity not only to develop in your own field, but also to work alongside people from other domains or teams and to broaden your experience.

The scale of the LTG Group and the need for a wide range of financial expertise allows us to form one of the largest and strongest teams of its kind in Lithuania. We believe that the importance of finance professionals to business and organisations is only growing, so we strive to attract the best finance professionals.


"I have been working as the Head of the Current Assets Accounting Group for more than two years now, and I do not plan to stop growing, as the desire to improve and grow in LTG is consistent. In this position, I enjoy most the freedom to create and contribute to more efficient accounting processes and methodologies. It is also the opportunity to implement modern solutions and make my colleagues' jobs easier. As far as my colleagues are concerned, I have a strong backbone, a team with which I can move mountains"

– Julija Mikštaitė - Kasputienė, Head of Current Assets Accounting Group


"I have been working as the Head of the Current Assets Accounting Group for more than two years now, and I do not plan to stop growing, as the desire to improve and grow in LTG is consistent. In this position, I enjoy most the freedom to create and contribute to more efficient accounting processes and methodologies. It is also the opportunity to implement modern solutions and make my colleagues' jobs easier. As far as my colleagues are concerned, I have a strong backbone, a team with which I can move mountains"

– Julija Mikštaitė - Kasputienė, Head of Current Assets Accounting Group



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Title Location Category Sort descending Legal Entity
Elektromechanikas (-ė) (Kėdainiai)
Elektromechanikas (-ė) (Kėdainiai) Kėdainiai, LT Sep 20, 2024
Kėdainiai, LT Automatics/Electronics AB „LTG Infra“
Vyriausiasis (-ioji) projektų vadovas (-ė) (Technologinio turto valdymas) Vilnius, LT Asset Maintenance & Management AB „LTG Cargo“
Šaltkalvis remontininkas (-ė) (Vilniaus regione) Vilnius, LT Repairs AB „LTG Infra“
Darnaus judumo plėtros projektų vadovas (-ė) Vilnius, LT Management UAB „LTG Link“