Project Management





The intensive upgrade of rail infrastructure is one of our key objectives to achieve sustainable and environmentally friendly changes in rail transport and convenient connections to the European rail network. Operating in a competitive market and geopolitical challenging environment, we are focused on strengthening the LTG Group's position and distinguishing itself not only in the local market but also internationally.

We implement largescale projects financed by European investments and our own funds, which are managed by our experienced teams of managers and specialists. The Rail Baltica rail link to the Western European rail network, the electrification of tracks, the construction of secondary tracks and other projects are fundamentally changing this mode of transport and opening up a wide range of new opportunities for the infrastructure manager and the state.

Project management is an ongoing and significant part of the LTG Group's activities and requires the involvement of specialists with different competences. However, these teams may be lacking your experience and knowledge right now, so we invite you to take a look at the open positions and choose a career with us!

The intensive upgrade of rail infrastructure is one of our key objectives to achieve sustainable and environmentally friendly changes in rail transport and convenient connections to the European rail network. Operating in a competitive market and geopolitical challenging environment, we are focused on strengthening the LTG Group's position and distinguishing itself not only in the local market but also internationally.

We implement largescale projects financed by European investments and our own funds, which are managed by our experienced teams of managers and specialists. The Rail Baltica rail link to the Western European rail network, the electrification of tracks, the construction of secondary tracks and other projects are fundamentally changing this mode of transport and opening up a wide range of new opportunities for the infrastructure manager and the state.

Project management is an ongoing and significant part of the LTG Group's activities and requires the involvement of specialists with different competences. However, these teams may be lacking your experience and knowledge right now, so we invite you to take a look at the open positions and choose a career with us!


"I joined Lietuvos Geležinkeliai at the end of 2019 as Head of Operational Efficiency. Now I'm in charge of Transport Services Planning. What motivates me the most in this organisation is the dynamic environment – the transport sector is already dynamic in itself, but there is even more action going on at Lietuvos Geležinkeliai – we are going through a phase of change. So I invite you to join me if you are ready to work in a changing environment and if you are willing to contribute to the best results"

– Laimonas Nekrošius, Head of Transport Services Planning


"I started my career at LTG about 10 years ago as an engineer. I was part of a very strong team of people and got a mentor who gave me a great introduction. The tasks required strategic thinking and it was interesting to learn, so as I moved forward I discovered my field. Later I became a senior engineer, a project manager, I also worked at an operational level, but after a while I returned to project management. We are working on complex projects of strategic importance – procurement of new trains, digital transformation, expansion of repair bases and similar projects. LTG attracts people by its change, constant movement, thinking, creating. Here, we are building value for society, so I feel that I am working for myself – as much as I put in the effort, it will be returned to myself and the people of Lithuania. That's why I invite people who have an altruistic spirit to join us - who want to give as well as receive. People who think deeply about value creation are noticed and appreciated in the organisation"

– Domantas Grigas, Head of Technical Development Projects



„Prie „Lietuvos geležinkelių“ prisijungiau 2019 metų pabaigoje, užimdamas Veiklos efektyvumo skyriaus vadovo pareigas. Na, o dabar vadovauju Pervežimo paslaugų planavimui. Šioje organizacijoje mane labiausiai motyvuoja dinamiška aplinka – transporto sritis iš savęs jau yra dinamiška, tačiau „Lietuvos geležinkeliuose“ vyksta dar daugiau veiksmo –  šiuo metu išgyvename pokyčių etapą. Tad kviečiu prisijungti tuos žmones, kurie pasiruošę dirbti besikeičiančioje aplinkoje ir yra nusiteikę atnešti savo indėlį vardan geriausių rezultatų“  

– Laimonas Nekrošius – Pervežimo paslaugų planavimo vadovas 


„Savo kelią LTG pradėjau maždaug prieš 10 metų, užimdamas inžinieriaus pareigas. Patekau į itin stiprių žmonių komandą, gavau kuratorių, kuris puikiai įvedė mane į veiklą. Užduotys reikalavo strateginio mąstymo, buvo įdomu mokytis, tad taip judėdamas pirmyn, atradau savo sritį. Vėliau tapau vyr. inžinieriumi, projektų vadovu, teko dirbti ir operatyviniame lygmenyje, tačiau po kiek laiko grįžau prie projektų valdymo. Dirbame prie strateginės reikšmės sudėtingų projektų – naujų traukinių pirkimai, skaitmeninė transformacija, remonto bazių plėtra ir panašūs projektai. LTG traukia savo pokyčiais, nuolatiniu judėjimu, mąstymu, kūrimu. Čia kuriame naudą visuomenei, tad jaučiu, kad dirbu sau – kiek įdėsiu pastangų, tiek man grįš pačiam bei Lietuvos žmonėms. Dėl to prie mūsų kviečiu prisijungti žmones, turinčius altruizmo gyslelę – norintiems ne tik gauti, bei ir duoti. Tokie žmonės, kurie stipriai galvoja apie vertės kūrimą, organizacijoje greitai pastebimi bei įvertinami“ 

– Domantas Grigas – Techninės plėtros projektų padalinio vadovas 



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