Supply Chain/Procurement




Smooth operation of procurement and supply chains, proper and efficient stock management, timely delivery of work and services. Their importance has been made clearer than ever by the pandemic of 2020, which disrupted many normal processes around the world due to social disconnection and forced us to face unexpected challenges.

In Lithuania, we operate a railway network of almost 3,500 kilometres, maintain and repair rolling stock, and provide passenger and freight transport services, so we take a very responsible approach to ensuring the supply of goods and services.

We invite those who are committed to taking on the activities necessary for the smooth running of the organisation and working with the various departments to help ensure that goods and raw materials reach us on time, and that work and services are not delayed, to join our team.

Smooth operation of procurement and supply chains, proper and efficient stock management, timely delivery of work and services. Their importance has been made clearer than ever by the pandemic of 2020, which disrupted many normal processes around the world due to social disconnection and forced us to face unexpected challenges.

In Lithuania, we operate a railway network of almost 3,500 kilometres, maintain and repair rolling stock, and provide passenger and freight transport services, so we take a very responsible approach to ensuring the supply of goods and services.

We invite those who are committed to taking on the activities necessary for the smooth running of the organisation and working with the various departments to help ensure that goods and raw materials reach us on time, and that work and services are not delayed, to join our team.


"I joined LTG a year ago as a Contract Procurement Project Manager. A short time later, I applied for the position of Chief Expert in the Quality Group and was offered new challenges. After starting there, I also became a team leader. I find the greatest motivation in my team - my people are very positive, competent, problem-solving and supportive. I am proud of my team and my leadership team. There is no monotony at LTG - it is interesting to work, because every day you get new information, new opportunities to learn and improve your performance. I invite strong, ambitious people to join us, who are able to adapt to the mass scale of the organisation, the individuality of the people, and are able to naturally bring changes and ideas into the organisation."

– Sandra Brazauskienė, Manager, Procurement Quality


"I joined LTG a year ago as a Contract Procurement Project Manager. A short time later, I applied for the position of Chief Expert in the Quality Group and was offered new challenges. After starting there, I also became a team leader. I find the greatest motivation in my team - my people are very positive, competent, problem-solving and supportive. I am proud of my team and my leadership team. There is no monotony at LTG - it is interesting to work, because every day you get new information, new opportunities to learn and improve your performance. I invite strong, ambitious people to join us, who are able to adapt to the mass scale of the organisation, the individuality of the people, and are able to naturally bring changes and ideas into the organisation."

– Sandra Brazauskienė, Manager, Procurement Quality



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Title Location Category Sort descending Legal Entity
Elektromechanikas (-ė) (Kėdainiai)
Elektromechanikas (-ė) (Kėdainiai) Kėdainiai, LT Sep 20, 2024
Kėdainiai, LT Automatics/Electronics AB „LTG Infra“
Vyriausiasis (-ioji) projektų vadovas (-ė) (Technologinio turto valdymas) Vilnius, LT Asset Maintenance & Management AB „LTG Cargo“
Šaltkalvis remontininkas (-ė) (Vilniaus regione) Vilnius, LT Repairs AB „LTG Infra“
Darnaus judumo plėtros projektų vadovas (-ė) Vilnius, LT Management UAB „LTG Link“