ERP Manager

ERP Manager

Miestas:  Vilnius
Veikla:  Informacinės technologijos
Veiklos sritis:  IT
Minimali alga (bruto, €):  4840.0
Maksimali alga (bruto, €):  7260.0
Galimas hibridinis darbo modelis:  Taip
Galioja nuo:  2024-07-17

AB „Lietuvos geležinkeliai“ (LTG) yra valstybės kapitalo valdoma įmonė, kuri drauge su dukterinėmis įmonėmis sudaro didžiausią Baltijos šalyse krovinių, keleivių vežimo ir infrastruktūros valdymo įmonių grupę. Pagrindinis su klimato kaita susijęs LTG grupės tikslas – prisidėti prie bendro Europos Sąjungos siekio ir iki 2050 metų tapti klimato kaitai neutralia organizacija. LTG grupę sudaro pagrindinės dukterinės bendrovės: „LTG Infra“, „LTG Cargo“, „LTG Link“, GTC. Siekiame veikti efektyviai, sklandžiai ir vieningai – taip kurti vertę tiems, kuriems esame atskaitingi – Lietuvos žmonėms.

LTG yra lygias galimybes puoselėjanti įmonių grupė, atvira visiems kandidatams ir nediskriminuojanti jų lyties, rasės, religijos, orientacijos, amžiaus, negalios ar kitų su darbo vykdymu tiesiogiai nesusijusių požymių. Mums svarbūs naujų komandos narių gebėjimai, vertybės ir stipri motyvacija būti komandos dalimi.

Job Description

We are seeking an ERP Manager who is proficient in team leadership and business process analysis. The ideal candidate will be responsible for managing a team, enhancing business operations, and providing ongoing support and development at LTG group.


Key Responsibilities


    • Hold accountability for the entire SAP and SAP S/4HANA estate at LTG, overseeing its maintenance, performance, and alignment with overall business objectives
    • Recruit, lead and mentor a team of professionals, encouraging a collaborative and performance-driven environment
    • Manage team workflows and resources to efficiently meet project deadlines and objectives
    • Analyse and improve existing business processes at LTG group to increase efficiency and effectiveness
    • Facilitate effective communication between the ERP team and other departments to ensure integrated business processes
    • Regularly assess business process performance, delivering insights and strategies for ongoing enhancements
    • Ensure ITIL-based support practices to optimise ERP service management
    • Manage third-party contracts, ensure compliance, performance standards, and cost-efficiency are maintained
    • Lead the SAP Centre of Excellence, driving innovation and best practices in SAP implementations and operations




    • Bachelor’s degree in business administration, information technology or related field
    • Minimum of 5 years’ experience in a leadership role with an emphasis on business process management and team support
    • Demonstrated ability to develop and support team members, enhancing their skills and career progression
    • Strong analytical skills and a systematic approach to troubleshooting and problem resolution
    • Proven capacity to manage multiple deliveries in a dynamic environment
    • Exceptional communication and interpersonal skills to effectively support and engage with various stakeholders
    • Knowledge and experience in ITIL frameworks in service management (advantage)


Benefits in AB "Lietuvos geležinkeliai"


    • Join an inspiring and competent team in one of the biggest companies in Lithuania 
    • Exciting and challenging work that leads to further professional and career development 
    • A dynamic work environment during a period of big organizational change 
    • An opportunity to contribute to the improvement of corporate activities within a dynamic work environment during a period of changes
    • Daily professional challenges and an opportunity for self-realization
    • Professional development for ambitious and motivated
    • An opportunity to travel with the company’s trains free of charge in the territory of Lithuania
    • An opportunity to work remotely
    • Additional health insurance


Miestas:  Vilnius
Veikla:  Informacinės technologijos
Veiklos sritis:  IT
Minimali alga (bruto, €):  4840.0
Maksimali alga (bruto, €):  7260.0
Galimas hibridinis darbo modelis:  Taip
Galioja nuo:  2024-07-17